jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

Mensaje De Luminor - Goodbye u_______u

My dear fans,

I am sorry for having no other choice then to carry out my duty I have towards you.
As you might started to imagine and guess my personal conditions couldn't have been recovered fast enough and good enough.

Please believe me that everything possible was done for me to come back in health and better conditions, but the time did not last, to come back as a complete support for the band.

Please try to find understanding that I have decided that I have no other choice then to declaim all the honours and titles you wanted to give to me.

This makes me sad, but some things can't be like I want them to be .

I will always be in your mind in the way I wanted to be for you ...And I will stay with you .

But I can't stay any longer as a part of Cinema Bizarre.

Which means that I will leave the band from now on.

Let me simply go on as the one I have been for you.

I wish the band luck on their way.

Keep me in your hearts.

Your Moonlight.


pues si mis queridas bizarras esto es lo que acaba de poner luminor ase unos momentos en su blog u_______u luminor deja la banda u________u que mala noticia para tod@s que lo queriamos de regreso bueno pues u____u nimodo esperemos que le valla muy bien a luminor en todos sus proyectos que tenga planeado hacer

aqui les dejo el link del blog de luminor para que lo chequen


1 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

De donde has sacado eso?

Por que sinceramente, si no hay una fuente fiable uú

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