Mother said, that I was terribly curios child and always asked lots of questions. Nevertheless, I didn’t enter into relations with my school. In some moment I became so tired and left off this fucking school and began working up here and there.
Fame is a heavy thing. Once upon a time during the tour in France we left a car and it seemed to us for the first second that we will go crazy, because we didn’t expect to see such number of screaming people!!!
I began to use make up at the age of 13. But I did it rather decently. My mom wasn’t against it, she always considered, that make up becomes me. But my father was terribly furious! He considered, that it’s unworthy for a real man.
I always was a little bit self-centred . I can’t say that I am totally selfish, but my own personality is very important to me. Because of this part of my character some people think that I have star fever. Also since my childhood I was a convinced recusant, always hated generally accepted rules. Rules is a bullshit!
There is no surprise, that if we wear make up and don’t look like the usual men, many consider that we are gays… It seems to me, that this is a personal matter for each! Often very funny situations happen. For example, sometimes I am asked to leave the WC - they think, I am a girl, ha-ha-ha!
Between us there should be a sparkle. Electric current – do you understand what I mean? Dream girl should realize what part for me plays extravagance. Also I always pay attention on lips. Yes-yes, lips is my weakness. I am a real lip fetishist!
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